The desk usage dashboard shows historic desk usage data in different types of graph using different filters, e.g. date, location, office hours, workspace type or zones. In essence this dashboard shows you:
- What quantity of desks are made available to staff across locations, floors, zones; and
- How those desks are used by staff.
The usage of the desks by staff is determined by the combination of booking by staff and presence registration by the desk sensors. This results in 4 types of usage:
- As booked - the desk is booked and the sensor registers presence at that particular desk;
- No booking - the desk is not booked but the sensor registers presence at the desk;
- No show - the desk is booked but the sensor does not register presence (as someone for example is in a meeting, having lunch or arrived late at the office); and
- Not used - the desk is not booked and the sensor does not register presence.
Multiple sheets
The dashboard contains 4 different sheets:
- KPI - contains a month to month and quarter to quarter comparison of desk booking KPI's;
- By month, week, day of week - contains desk booking information aggregated to monthly, weekly of Day or Week averages;
- By day, hour - contains desk booking information aggregated to daily or hourly averages;
- By floor, zone, workspace type - contains desk booking information aggregated to daily averages and split to floors, zone or workspace types.
Data selection controls
At the top of each sheet a set of data selection controls are shown. By making your selection of the controls, you define/constrain the data that are shown in the different graphs of the sheet. Be aware that the selections work across all sheets of the dashboard, thus defining/constraining the data of the other sheets' graphs as well. The controls enable selection of:
- Location(s) - a multiple select dropdown of applicable office location(s);
- Floor(s) - a multiple select dropdown of applicable floor(s), depending the location selection;
- Zone(s) - a multiple select dropdown of applicable zone(s), depending the location and floor selection;
- Workspace type(s) - a multiple select dropdown of applicable workspace type(s), depending the location, floor and zone selection;
- Hour from and until - two slider selectors of 'clock hour' to select the office hours for which you wish to see the data. Hour until defines the time up to the 59th minute of the selected 'clock hour'; and
- Since - date selector to define the starting date of your applicable data.
KPI sheet details
This sheet depicts 5 types of information divided in rows in 4 different time frames across the columns.
The columns depict:
- A month to month comparison of the averages of last two complete months;
- A week by week trend graph of the weekly averages of the last two complete months;
- A quarter to quarter comparison of the averages of last two complete quarters; and
- A month by month trend graph of the monthly averages of the last two complete quarters.
The rows depict:
- The number of activated desks, i.e. total number of desks in the application (top row);
- Graph A.1-A.4 depict the average number of desks that are administratively blocked and thus not available for booking;
- Graph B.1-B.4 depict the average number of desks available for booking by staff;
- Graph C.1-C.4 depict the average number of distinct desks that are booked by staff (i.e. a distinct count of the number of booked desks);
- Graph D.1-D.4 depict the average number of distinct desks that are used (i.e. as booked plus no booking) by staff
- Graph E.1-E.4 depict the average number of desks that are booked by staff in workspace equivalents (i.e. a time optimised calculation of the number of desks);
- Graph F.1-F.4 depict the average number of desks that are used (i.e. as booked plus no booking) by staff in workspace equivalents.
By month, week, day of week sheet details
This sheet depicts the usage status (i.e. as booked, no booking, no show or not used) in relative (%) and absolute (#) numbers for distinct of workspace equivalent counts. Where:
- Graph H.1-H.4 shows monthly averages;
- Graph I.1-1.4 shows weekly averages; and
- Graph J.1-J.4 shows the averages of the selected period to Day of Week, i.e. Monday to Friday.
By day, hour sheet details
This sheet depicts the usage status (i.e. as booked, no booking, no show or not used) in relative (%) and absolute (#) numbers for distinct of workspace equivalent counts. Where:
- Graph M.1-M.4 shows daily averages; and
- Graph N.1-N.4 shows hourly averages.
By floor, zone, workspace type sheet details
This sheet depicts the number of available and used desks (i.e. as booked plus no booking) in relative (%) and absolute (#) numbers for distinct of workspace equivalent counts. Where:
- Graph Q.1-Q.4 splits the averages to the selected floors;
- Table R.1-R.2 splits the averages to the selected zones; and
- Table S.1-S.2 splits the averages to the selected workspace types.