The climate dashboard shows desk historic booking data in different type of graphs using different filters, e.g. date, location, office hours, workspace type or zones. In essence this dashboard shows what the measures and trends are of:
- Temperature in degrees Celsius;
- Relative humidity in percentage;
- Internal air quality (IAQ) as a measure of air pollution in a number; and
- Derived CO2 level with a +/- 20% accuracy in parts per million (ppm)
Example of the Dashboard:
Multiple sheets
The dashboard contains 4 different sheets:
- KPI - contains a month to month and quarter to quarter comparison of interior climate KPI's;
- By Zone - contains interior climate information aggregated split to zone(s);
- By Room - contains interior climate information aggregated split to room(s).
Data selection controls
At the top of each sheet a set of data selection controls are shown. By making your selection of the controls, you define/constrain the data that are shown in the different graphs of the sheet. Be aware that the selections work across all sheets of the dashboard, thus defining/constraining the data of the other sheets' graphs as well. The controls enable selection of:
- Location(s) - a multiple select dropdown of applicable office location(s);
- Floor(s) - a multiple select dropdown of applicable floor(s), depending the location selection;
- Zone(s) - a multiple select dropdown of applicable zone(s), depending the location and floor selection;
- Hour from and until - two slider selectors of 'clock hour' to select the office hours for which you wish to see the data. Hour until defines the time up to the 59th minute of the selected 'clock hour'; and
- Since - date selector to define the starting date of your applicable data.
KPI sheet details
This sheet depicts 5 types of information divided in rows in 4 different time frames across the columns.
The columns depict:
- A month by month comparison of the averages of last two complete months;
- A week by week trend graph of the weekly averages of the last two complete months;
- A quarter by quarter comparison of the averages of last two complete quarters; and
- A month by month trend graph of the monthly averages of the last two complete quarters.
The rows depict:
- Graph A.1-A.4 depict the average temperature;
- Graph B.1-B.4 depict the average relative humidity;
- Graph C.1-C.4 depict the average internal air quality;
- Graph D.1-D.4 depict the average CO2 level.
By zone sheet details
This sheet shows the climate measures as daily averages split to the different selected zones. Where:
- Graph A.1-A.3 shows temperature and humidity over time as well as set-off against each other;
- Graph B.1-B.2 shows internal air quality over time as well as in relationship to temperature and humidity; and
- Graph C.1-C.2 shows CO2 level over time as well as in relationship to temperature and humidity.
By room sheet details
This sheet shows the climate measures as daily averages split to the different selected rooms. Where:
- Graph A.1-A.3 shows temperature and humidity over time as well as set-off against each other;
- Graph B.1-B.2 shows internal air quality over time as well as in relationship to temperature and humidity; and
- Graph C.1-C.2 shows CO2 level over time as well as in relationship to temperature and humidity.
(TO DO) Source information to quality indications of the climate measures
The four measures depicted in the different graphs have an associated quality indication in the different sub titles. These indications are based on the following sources:
- For temperature, derived the quality levels based on research of ...
- For relative humidity, derived the quality levels based on research of ...
- For internal air quality, derived the quality levels based on research of ...
- For CO2 level, derived the quality levels based on research of ...