The Favorites feature allows you to quickly preview the items that you have set to favorites. At the moment, it is possible to have favorite buildings and favorite workspaces (desks / rooms).
Adding an item to favorites
In order to add a building or a workspace to your Favorites, click the("star") icon. The icon will turn green, indicating that the item is now in your favorites.
- Forbuildings, the Favorites icon can be found in the building description.
- Forworkspaces, the Favorites icon can be found on the booking screen
Favorite Buildings
For buildings, the Favorites feature will allow you to easily filter out the building selection in theOrganization view.
To display only your favorite buildings, click on the "Favorite" filter above the building selection.
Favorite Workspaces
For workspaces, the Favorites feature will show you whether any of your favorite workspaces are currently available. You can see this information in the Organization Overview.
Removing an item from favorites
To remove an item from favorites, click on the("star") icon again. It will turn from green to black, indicating that the item is not currently in your favorites.