If you want to edit the workplace types that are currently available for configuration / selection. Follow the steps in this article.
Step 1
Navigate to "Your locations", "Company location" Workplace Types
This will give you an overview of all the current workplace types.
Step 2
Adding a new one can be done by clicking the +Add Workplace Type button.
This will give you a new screen with all the options to configure a new workplace type.
Step 3
Choose if it is a desk or a room.
Generic type
To what generic category does it belong?
Determine the position in the list to be displayed. Read more about sequence number in this article: "What are sequence numbers?"
Description (EN | NL | DE | FR | ES )
In app name for the workplace type in the language mentioned.
Infotext (EN | NL | DE | FR | ES )
In app informational description for the workplace type in the language mentioned.
Hit save to confirm your new workplace type.
NOTE: Deleting a workplace type can only be done if the workplace type does not consist of any Office Dots.