The block feature allows a manager to make a Workplace unavailable for booking. A blocked Workplace will appear as Unavailable (red) in the End User app and will not be available for booking while the block is active. It is possible to set a block for a certain period of time or for selected days.
There are two ways that a block can be created - a Basic block and a Custom block. Only Organization Managers or Location Managers with Control Center access permission can create Workplace Blocks.
Basic block
A basic block is indicated by a “Yes” in the "Blocked" column of the Workplaces overview table.
Creating a Basic Block
A basic block can be created by clicking on the "Block" button next to the Workplace in the Workplaces overview. A basic block will immediately make the workspace unavailable. The Workplace will stay unavailable until it is unblocked by a manager.
Warning: This will irreversibly remove all existing reservations for that workspace!
Custom Block
A custom block is indicated as “Partial” in the "Blocked" column of the Workplaces overview table.
Creating a Custom Block
- To create a custom block, navigate to the Workplaces overview and click on the Workplace that you want to block. A Workplace Configuration window will pop up.
- Click on the “Block” button. A Custom Block window will pop up.
- Fill out the form and click “Save” to complete the Custom Block.
Start Date | The day when the Workplace Block comes in effect. |
End Date | The day on the end of which the Workplace Block ends. This field is required - omitting the end date will generate an "Invalid request body" error when you try to save the block. |
Working Days |
Select on which days you want the block to be active. |
Specific user (optional) |
You can select an existing user to assign the block to them. If a block is assigned to a user, it will appear as if that user has reserved the workplace. |
Editing existing Workplace blocks
It is not possible to edit an already existing Workplace block. If you need to change the configuration of an existing block, remove it and create a new one.
Removing Workplace blocks
To remove a Workplace block, click the “Unblock” button in the Workplaces overview table next to the Workplace you wish to unblock.